Glute Exercises At Home | Simple Glute Workouts

With summer (and bikinis) just ahead of us, one of the body parts we all want to focus on strengthening and improving is the glutes. There are a ton of great exercises that directly target your glutes, and I’ve tried most of them over the past few years. I've put together a list of the movements that will help you the most with targeting and strengthening your glutes. This is an effective and quick glute workout routine that you can do even when you don’t have too much time to spare, like on vacation or during a busy work week. Best of all, you don’t need a gym! You can do all of these glute exercises at home with just your bodyweight if that’s all you have. 

How Can I Work my Glutes at Home? 

 Yes, you can definitely tone and shape your glutes at home! While many believe you’ll need heavy weights and equipment to achieve tangible results, I can assure you that you can reshape and perk up your glutes while at home. While many butt workouts call for special equipment and at least half an hour in the gym, you can have great results working your glutes from home or your local park. Ballerinas, gymnasts, barre, and pilates practitioners have been doing this for years, and so can you!

Today more than ever, we need to incorporate these workouts and exercises into our at-home routine, and rely mostly on our bodyweight. There are many exercises you can do to get toned glutes, but I’ve designed this specific butt workout to help you get a quick sweat: tightening and toning those glutes while also using absolutely no equipment if you don't have any access to it.

This workout has a great combination of the best butt workouts and glute isolation exercises. They were part of my ballerina routine for years, and won’t take a lot of your time.  

This butt workout routine consists of 4 exercises, and can be done in about 30 minutes or less.

For regular gym goers, this could be a  great supplemental workout to maintain your glute muscle gains while traveling on vacation/work, or while stuck inside with no access to a gym!

How To Build your glutes with this Specific Butt Workout?

  • Repeat each glute exercise for at least 15 to 20 reps in 30 secs, depending on your fitness level. Many butt workouts are measured by the total number of repetitions or the time you spend doing the workout, but I learned through my years of training as a ballerina that what matters the most is engaging the muscle and having the proper form. So make sure you feel the glutes activated in each rep instead of flying through and focusing only on the number of reps without feeling your muscles!

  • You can modify each butt exercise if you feel it’s too easy or too advanced. We all have different bodies, and no one knows your body better than you. We don’t need to do everything the same way!

  •  Add ankle weights or grab some dumbbells if you feel these exercises are not impacting your glutes the way you want them, or use these add ons as you get stronger.  A 3 lbs ankle weight set is a great way to start. Although the goal is not to lift heavy weight here, adding this set will help you to burn fat and build lean muscle.

  • To see a faster change in your body, I recommend turning this simple butt workout into a High Intensity Training (HIT) workout whenever possible.  By immediately moving from one exercise to the next, with no rest in between, or turning a squat or lunge into a jump squat or jump lunge, you’ll be able to accomplish that and work towards your goals more quickly.

  • If you’re a beginner or just feel the need to rest, take 15 to 20 seconds between each exercise and reduce that time down to 10 seconds as you get more advanced. It will help improve your fitness level, and you boost your metabolism and burn more fat in the least amount of time. 

  • Do 3 or 4 full sets (of all 4 exercises) to properly complete the workout.  

Ready to try this effective butt workout and tone, grow and strengthen your glutes?  Let’s start now!

What are the best exercises for glutes:

Combination Squats/lunges

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, your knees aligned with your toes, and squat. Thighs should be parallel to the ground with knees at about 90 degrees. Do not go back to your standing position! From your squat , step back with your right leg into a lunge position and from there do a crossover lunge. Keep in a low squat throughout the exercise to really engage those muscles. Don’t come up after the end of the exercise. Repeat 10 times with each leg. You’ll feel the burn after! 

Bulgarian Split Squat with ball or bench

Do a regular Bulgarian split squat, only now we’ll incorporate a ball or bench if you can use one. You’ll rest your foot there on the ball/bench while doing the squat. Your foot should rest at about knee height for best results, so don’t go much higher or lower than that. Keep your eyes facing forward and always engage your core muscles throughout this exercise. Repeat 20 times with each leg. 

Leg kickbacks

 Get down on all fours, your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Straighten your back and keep your core tight in order to hold the proper position. While keeping your right knee bent at a 90 degree angle, move your leg up until your thigh is parallel to the ground. Hold for a second, then bring your knee back down. Don’t let the knee touch the ground at the end of the rep! Keep all of the muscles engaged and go directly into the next rep. Repeat 20 times, then switch sides. You can do a similar version standing or in your forearms if your wrists hurt.


Lie on your side in a fetal position, knees bent 90 degrees and core engaged. Keeping your feet together, squeeze those glutes as you “open and close” your legs by lifting the top leg away from the ground. Repeat 20 times on each side. Use a resistance band wrapped around both thighs for a higher degree of difficulty. This is a really good movement and my favorite on this list of glute exercises at home.

Do these glute exercises really work?

 Aim to do this full workout 2-3 times every week, giving your body a rest day in between for your muscles to recover.  I normally alternate a lower body/ glute workout with an upper body workout the next day; we have a great arm workout you can check out here.

If you feel at any point in your fitness journey that this butt workout is not challenging enough for your body anymore (exercises always get easier once your body becomes used to the movements and pace) it’s probably time to either add weights, resistance bands or start switching it up. 


An Exercise Band Set that helps you increase your workout challenge.


Adjustable Body Weights ideal for home workouts,core training, walking, jogging, running,etc. They are fully adjustable to fit ankles, legs, wrists or arms.

It’s always important to remember that once your body isn’t feeling sore or challenged by your workout routine, your body won’t change much and you won’t see the desired results.

To get the best results possible, combine this butt workout with either a structured nutritional program or simply a lifestyle that focuses on healthy and whole foods: rich in protein, healthy, and nutritious.  You can’t expect your body to change if your nutrition is not on point alongside your workout routine. 

If you're interested in pre and post workout meals and snacks that are not only good for your body and your mind but also taste delicious, we have great and healthy recipes in our Wellness Section, make sure to check them out!

 If you liked this glute workout, don’t forget to pin it and save it so you’ll have it on hand for later. Share it with your friends as well! And leave us a comment below so we know which ones are your favorite at-home glute exercises!

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 Besitos from home,



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